Category Archives: Planning

Village Survey CLOSING 20 May 2024

Thanks for all those who have responded to the Local Place Plans survey. The last day for responses is MONDAY 20 May 2024 –   Local Place Plan – Get…


As announced in the Blane Valley Bulletin (Jan/Feb 2024), the community council and community development trust will be launching a community consultation in the Spring. Over the course of 2024,…

Wee Kirk takeaway – Strathblane Community Council comments on planning application 21/00185/FUL

A retrospective planning application has been filed for the operation of the Wee Kirk takeaway. All documentation relating to the planning application can be viewed online here.  Since its launch, the takeaway…

Strathblane Community Council AGM

Strathblane Community Council will hold their delayed AGM via Zoom on December 7th at 7.30, followed by the monthly meeting. Any resident who wishes to join us should indicate interest…

Proposal for 11 new homes below Devil’s Elbow – Planning Application 20/00564/FUL

We have posted some information on this new proposal Proposal for 11 new homes below Devil’s Elbow – Planning application 20/00564/FUL

Blane Valley Inn Jan 2020

Blane Valley Inn change of use halted by Planning decision

Following our post of 9 May 2020 highlighting the proposed change of use of the Blane Valley Inn to a house, several villagers wrote to Stirling objecting against the loss…

Blane Valley Inn Jan 2020

Blane Valley Inn – From Pub to private house?

Residents will be aware that the Blane Valley Inn sadly closed its doors in February. New owners have filed a planning application to convert the pub into a private house….

Gladman planning application for Campsie Road: Second appeal under way.

The new appeal is under way with reference PPA-390-2060-1. The new Reporter invited those who had made submissions to the original appeal to comment whether anything has changed in the…

Gladman WIN second bite at appeal…

The planning application was rejected; an appeal to the Scottish Ministers was rejected, BUT Gladman made an appeal to the Court of Session, whose decision was issued on 14 June 2019. 

The Court of Session on 14 June 2019 has quashed the appeal decision, raising the prospect that the development will go ahead.

Gladman WIN at Court of Session

The planning application was rejected; an appeal to the Scottish Ministers was rejected, BUT Gladman made an appeal to the Court of Session, whose decision was issued on 14 June 2019. 

The Court of Session on 14 June 2019 has quashed the appeal decision, raising the prospect that the development will go ahead.