Strathblane Community Council recognises that the village is sited in an environment of great natural beauty and accepts the responsibility to maintain and enhance the attractiveness of our surroundings.
This care takes many forms and requires the involvement of many people, mostly volunteers. Work parties undertake various tasks throughout the year augmenting the efforts of Stirling Council employees.
The floral planting at various key points in the village has become of feature of our community and is much admired. Not everyone appreciates that this is entirely due to a small band of volunteers. Extra helpers are always welcome
The West Highland Way and the John Muir Trail pass through the village providing opportunities for visitors to share our delights and allow local business to benefit, while our local network of paths give excellent walking and cycling openings.
Strathblane Community Council wants to maintain and promote our beautiful village and would like to pass it as a gift to be valued by our successors.
You could help by reporting any issues which you consider to be damaging to our environment using the Contact Form. Major issues such as fly tipping, damage to grass and planted areas should be notified directly to Stirling Council.
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