Enforcement of the National Pavement Parking Ban
Residents may wish to know that the ban on parking on pavements, already an illegal act (and of great inconvenience and danger to many pedestrians and those in wheelchairs and with buggies), will be enforced by Stirling Council from 15th July 2024.
For those who replied to the recent Local Place Plan in the Strathblane area, pavement parking is a top concern (36%), second only to speeding traffic (72%).

Pavement & driveway blocked outside Greens, Strathblane
As you may be aware, the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced a national ban on parking on pavements, double parking and parking on the carriageway adjacent to a footway where the footway has been lowered or the carriageway raised to assist crossing by pedestrians or cyclists.
Parking attendants will be issuing Penalty Charge Notice fines of £100 for non-compliance, reduced to £50 if paid within 14 days.
Members of the public can report incorrectly parked vehicles through the Stirling Council website, where further information on the regulations can be found: https://www.stirling.gov.uk/roads-transport-and-parking/parking-and-permits/pavement-parking-prohibitions/.
Information is provided on when exceptions or exemptions are permitted.
Information about the nationwide ban is also available on the Road Safety Scotland website: https://roadsafety.scot/campaigns/pavement-parking/.
If you or any residents have any questions about the ban, please contact Stirling Council at transportplanning@stirling.gov.uk.