About Strathblane Community Council
Public authorities like Stirling Council, the Police and the Health Service like to hear from users when changing policies, or to resolve problems. Community Councillors are volunteers elected to find out and represent the views of the local community. A slide show about the community council is here: SCC Presentation.
The Strathblane community council covers Strathblane, Blanefield, Mugdock and nearby area. This Strathblane CC boundary map from the Stirling Council Website shows the exact boundaries.
Strathblane Community Council Meetings
The community council meets at 7:30PM on usually the first Monday of every month except July. The venue for the next meetings is the Village Club . Check this website for details of upcoming meetings.
Apart from the community council members, there is usually a local councillor, a representative from the Police and other people who have a specific reason to be present. All members of the community are welcome to attend and there are always a few present at the meetings.
Strathblane Community Council Members
Members of the community are welcome to contact the community council on local issues and can do this using the Contact form on this website, or by directly contacting any community council member, or even better by attending in person at one of the community council’s meetings. Don’t forget, though, that Stirling Council, the Police and other bodies have their own enquiry numbers, email addresses, websites and so on. For immediate action or answers to specific questions you are better contacting the council or other officers who can answer your question directly. The Community Council is of course interested to know if there are recurring problems, or any difficulty in getting a satisfactory response from the authorities.
Current applications are discussed at community council meetings. If you make comments on any planning application, please copy our email address contact@strathblanecc.org.uk.
Your community councillors and their particular office or area of responsibility are:
- Julie Hutchison (Acting Chair)
- Grace Edmonds (Secretary)
- Evelyn MacDougall (Treasurer)
- Kate Ramsden (Vice Chair)
- John Gray (Planning & Licensing Correspondent)
- Andy Thompson
- Eleanor Balfour (Planning 2nd)
- Pamela Lee
- Rob Davies
- Ian Boardley (co-opted)
- Graeme Kemsley (co-opted)