Category Archives: Environment

Reply by 17 Nov to Stirling’s ‘Big Conversation’ on budget
Stirling Council’s ‘Big Conversation’ on budget – survey runs to 17 November Residents have another fortnight to share their views as Stirling Council continues its Big Conversation on how to…

Pavement parking – ban to be enforced from 15 July 2024
Enforcement of the National Pavement Parking Ban Residents may wish to know that the ban on parking on pavements, already an illegal act (and of great inconvenience and danger to…

Stirling Council publishes 2024-25 draft budget with proposals to bridge £16m shortfall
Following the recent ‘Big Conversation’ consultation, Stirling Council has announced its 2024-25 draft budget with the press release below. We have also received a copy of an open letter by…

Time running out to take part in Stirling Council’s online budget survey
More than 2,400 residents across the Stirling Council area have already have taken part in an online survey on proposals to bridge Stirling Council’s estimated £13 million budget gap. All…

Spring has arrived in Strathblanefield
Spring is on the way, and so a number of local groups have been busy out-and-about in the area: On the 26th of February Fergus from Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust…

Stirling Council Consultation on Flood Risk Management
Stirling Council Consultation on Flood Risk Management Stirling Council is encouraging residents to offer their views on actions that can be taken to tackle the risk of flooding in local areas….

Wee Kirk takeaway – Strathblane Community Council comments on planning application 21/00185/FUL
A retrospective planning application has been filed for the operation of the Wee Kirk takeaway. All documentation relating to the planning application can be viewed online here. Since its launch, the takeaway…

Have your say on Stirling’s draft Climate and Nature Emergency Plan
Residents and businesses are being asked for their views on the first draft of Stirling Council’s Climate and Nature Emergency Plan. In October 2019, the Council declared a Climate Emergency…

Stirling Residents asked to prepare for severe wintry weather
Stirling Council Media Release – 05.02.21 Stirling Council is asking residents to prepare for potential disruption to travel and to Council services over the coming days with severe wintry weather…

Stirling Council Waste Transformation
Stirling Council have begun rolling out their changes to waste collection services. Residents should have received a letter confirming the timescale for replacement of your existing grey and brown bins…