Spring is on the way, and so a number of local groups have been busy out-and-about in the area:
On the 26th of February Fergus from Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust lead a group litter picking:
2 members of staff and 3 volunteers worked between Station Road and the sewage works. A total of 9 bags of littler were collected along the banks of the Blane Water. The majority was gathered on the right-hand bank – where the river flows through the floodplain after high water. Most of the rubbish was plastic bottles (as expected) and glass bottles of wine, vodka etc. A large quantity of the litter was old plastic bags hanging from tree branches and old tennis balls.
2 individuals worked between the West Highland Way at Dumgoyach Bridge and Quinloch. They collected a whopping 20 bags of litter. A lot of this rubbish was similar to what we are finding further upstream, which will ultimately wash down into the Endrick Water and Loch Lomond. This highlights the upstream battle to combat litter entering our waterways and into the ocean. More bags of litter were collected from the roadsides by the Edmonstones, totalling 40 bags from this litter pick event alone.
There is still a large quantity of litter along the Blane Water around Dumgoyne. We hope to have a group helping us collect this litter within the next few weeks. However, if there are any interested volunteers in the local community please get in touch with myself at fergus@llft.org.uk. We would also welcome volunteers for tree planting!
You can also follow LLFR on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LochLomondFisheriesTrust
On the weekend 5th and 6th of March The Strathblane Wildlife Sanctuary volunteers planted well over 1,200 native trees including hawthorn, scot’s pine, oak and alder. The types of trees were specifically chosen for their suitability with the ground, and with the hope that they will provide shelter and sustenance for the wildlife in the area. The volunteers were thrilled with the support from local families and businesses, and a lot of new faces came along to help. If anyone is interested in joining the mailing list or wants more information on the group you can contact them on strathblanewildlifesanctuary@gmail.com, or on FB : https://www.facebook.com/Strathblane-Wildlife-Sanctuary
Finally, the Strathblane Community Volunteers have been out litter picking and plan to do many more as, unfortunately, the area badly needs it. On the 9th of March the group cleaned from Milndavie Road to the old Country Club entrance. You can follow them on FB to be kept up-to-date with when the next litter-pick is planned: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2152097601492579