As announced in the Blane Valley Bulletin (Jan/Feb 2024), the community council and community development trust will be launching a community consultation in the Spring. Over the course of 2024, the results of the consultations will be developed into a “Local Place Plan” for submission to Stirling Council’s development planning for the next decade.
Why should we do a local place plan?
As well as guiding Planning, an important by-product is evidence of community priorities and community support for various projects. This can help all sorts of community groups access grant funding without conducting onerous research of their own. More information will be shared through social media, and the dedicated web page here.
Are there any questions that you or your group would like included in the survey?
Please let us know by 10th February 2024, or as soon as possible.
Email or or use the Contact form
[Apologies these email addresses were broken in the Blane Valley Bulletin article!!]