
Stirling's Climate Conversation

Stirling Climate Survey closing on Sunday, 30 August

The clock is ticking for Stirling’s young people to have their say in the climate emergency, with less than two weeks left to complete the Council’s Climate Survey.

The local authority has been canvasing public opinion on ways to tackle the climate emergency for the past six months through an online survey, which will close on Sunday, 30 August to begin the process of analysing the feedback received.

More than 700 completed surveys have already been submitted, all of which will feed into the Council’s wider Climate Emergency Action Plan.

A special appeal is now being made for Stirling’s young people to have their say, with the survey closing in less than a fortnight.

Cllr Jim Thomson, convener of Environment and Housing, said:

“This survey was launched only a matter of days before life changed for all of us with the Coronavirus Pandemic.

“However, the number of responses we’ve received prove that, despite the current crisis, many people are still concerned about the climate emergency and what we can do to avert it.

“One of the strongest voices in the global fight against climate change has been the youth voice and we want to make sure the young people of the Stirling Council area have their say.

“This is a genuine opportunity for people who care about the environment to talk to us, and help us do more to protect it.”

The climate survey takes around 15 minutes to complete, and focuses on opportunities to improve the quality of life for people in the entire Stirling Council area, while shaping a city and surrounding area to be cleaner, greener, healthier, and fairer for everyone.

Vice convener, Cllr Danny Gibson, added:

“This survey is just the first step on a long road but it’s important to capture as many voices as possible in these early stages to make sure our plans represent the diversity of our community.

“So whether you want to see more active travel in the city centre, or care passionately about letting grass verges flourish on rural roadsides, time is running out for you to have your say in this initial conversation.”

A81 road heading south in Strathblane

New Road Safety measures for A81 (by the Village Club) and Campsie Road (by the Kirk)

[This is re-posting an older post – it’s only taken 2 years for the works to start…] 

See also: Speed Survey Results 

As announced in the August 2018 issue of the Blane Valley Bulletin, Strathblane Community Council used a “participation request” under the Community Empowerment Act to work with Stirling Council to use a modest allocation of funds to improve road, street lighting and footway maintenance, with a focus on road safety. A short life working group was formed which has met to develop an action plan. Limited funds are available, but two particular measures are now proposed to improve safety of pedestrians and vehicle users at two of the long-standing danger spots identified by the community over several years. As the budget for these measures is in the current financial year, the measures were presented at the January meeting of the Community Council and approved in principle. They will be made with bolted-in components, so that they can be reversed, if problems arise, or if grander schemes are enabled in future! If you have any comments you can let us know what you think using the contact form or email

1: A81 Outside Village Club: single file traffic with pedestrian island

A81 Pedestrian Island Proposal Jan 2019
A81 Pedestrian Island Proposal Jan 2019 – VIEW LARGER

This proposal provides single file traffic on the straight hill outside the Village Club, with priority to traffic heading north. Traffic heading downhill gives way. A traffic island with pedestrian space is provided by the steps to the Village Club. Hatched areas provide space also for vehicles exiting Wester Leddriegreen Road.

Safety is improved for users of the Village Club, Bowling Club, Tennis Club, and of the footpaths leading to the Kirkhouse Estate. Visibility for all users is improved, where the crossing and vehicle exits are currently felt to be very dangerous.

As the budget for these measures is in the current financial year, the measures were presented at the January meeting of the Community Council and approved in principle. The traffic island is a bolt-down structure, meaning that it can be removed, in case the measure is judged unsuccessful, and/or something grander is proposed.

If you have any comments you can let us know what you think using the contact form or email

2: Traffic Island on A891 Campsie Road outside Strathblane Kirk

A891 Traffic Island Proposal Jan 2019
A891 Traffic Island Proposal Jan 2019 – VIEW LARGER

This proposal provides a central traffic island on the straight hill between the Strathblane Kirk and the Manse.

This is another area where speeding is rife and the crossing for children and adults is currently felt to be very dangerous.

As the budget for these measures is in the current financial year, the measures were presented at the January meeting of the Community Council and approved in principle. The traffic island is a bolt-down structure, meaning that it can be removed, in case the measure is judged unsuccessful, and/or something grander is proposed.

If you have any comments you can let us know what you think using the contact form or email

Blane Valley Inn Jan 2020

Blane Valley Inn change of use halted by Planning decision

Following our post of 9 May 2020 highlighting the proposed change of use of the Blane Valley Inn to a house, several villagers wrote to Stirling objecting against the loss of this important amenity for this part of the village, and as a source of employment, too. The Community Council discussed the application at its first online meeting on 8 June 2020 and decided that it, too, would oppose the loss of the pub. We know that the business has been difficult, but there was an interested buyer, and such a long-standing keystone of village life should not be lost forever, without proper justification. The pandemic environment does not make it a good time to decide such things in a hurry.

The planning department has now refused the application 20/00252/FUL for lack of justification, and unsuitable design. Referring to various parts of the Local Development Plan, the decision concludes:

  • “The proposed change of use is likely to diminish the range of community facilities on offer in the village much to the detriment of the local community and no evidence has been submitted in support of the application to justify change of use.” …
  • “The proposed rear extension by virtue of its scale, flat roof and external finishes would have a negative impact on the character and integrity of the host building.”

The detailed “Report of Handling” is here on our website. Full details and history including the submissions by the Community Council and others can be found here on Stirling’s public access planning portal.

The applicant of course has the option to appeal, and/or to submit a new application with different design and evidence to support the change of use. And of course, this does not mean that we have an open pub…


We'll meet by Zoom

Community Council meeting via ZOOM – Monday 8th June 2020

While the Coronavirus emergency prevents us meeting in person, we have decided to resume meetings, via Zoom.

This will not be a full public meeting, so please let us know well in advance if you would like any particular points discussed.


Meeting on Monday  8th June 2020  7.30pm on Zoom*

  1. Welcome from the Chair and declarations of interest
  2. Minutes of February meeting and matters arising
  3. Update on Village Volunteer Group
  4. Update on the Resilience Plan
  5. Update on the library project
  6. Feedback on Mugdock Community network
  7. Elected Member’s Report
  8. Planning and Licensing
  9. Finance

Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

Blane Valley Inn Jan 2020

Blane Valley Inn – From Pub to private house?

Residents will be aware that the Blane Valley Inn sadly closed its doors in February. New owners have filed a planning application to convert the pub into a private house. The planning application is number 20/00252/FUL and the related documents can be viewed online here. A clip of the proposed site plan is shown below.

Any comments you wish to make should be filed by email to and please copy the community council at when you do. You can also file comments online – we would love to receive a copy at the same time. The application has been advertised some time ago, so please file any comments as soon as possible, and by 18 May 2020 at the latest. Normally we would also invite comments and discussion at a community council meeting, but those are on hold.

The pub is (was?) of course a precious asset for the community, used as a gathering place by young as well as old, and a valuable place of employment too.

What do you think of this loss? Some view the loss of the pub as inevitable. Others recognise the difficulties but fear the consequences.

There was reportedly at least one offer to buy the pub as a going concern, when it was sold for a house. Can we sustain two pubs? Can we gamble on only one…? We can hope that (as far as we know), the Kirkhouse Inn will thrive again after the lockdown, but the hospitality industry is so precarious, nothing can be taken for granted. Both pubs had opened and closed a few times in recent memory.

Clip from the Site Plan in application 20/00252/FUL

Station Road closure 10-12 May 2020

Station Road, Blanefield will close from its junction with the A81 (Glasgow Road, Blanefield) to its junction with the A809 from 0800 hours on SUNDAY 10-5-20 until 1800 hours on TUESDAY 12-5-20 to facilitate BT Broadband Upgrading works. Access for emergency services will be maintained Please note that this is a change to the previously advertised dates of 18 – 20-5-20 which were advertised in the Stirling Observer on 1-5-20.Alternative Route: via A81, B834, A809 and vice versa.A COPY of the Order can be provided by e-mailing or

Community Council meetings suspended due to Coronavirus.

Community council meetings across Stirling District are cancelled until further notice.

However, your community councillors are of course in touch with one another and can be reached by email to

Stirling Council information and services can be contacted through their website at

Our Stirling councillors (“elected members”) are:



Community Council Meeting 2 September 2019

The next meeting of Strathblane Community Council will be on Monday 2nd September 2019 at 7.30pm in the Village Club.


1.     Welcome from the Chair and declarations of interest

2.     Co-option of new member

3.     Police report

4.     Minutes of June meeting and Matters Arising

5.      Invasive Species – Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust

6.     Feedback from Neighbourhoods of Care

7.     Telephone boxes

8.     Elected Member’s Report

9.     Planning and Licensing

10.    Community Comments

11.     Finance

12.    Correspondence

13.   AOB

14. Date of next meeting Monday 7th October 2019, in the Village Club

Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

Gladman planning application for Campsie Road: Second appeal under way.

The new appeal is under way with reference PPA-390-2060-1. The new Reporter invited those who had made submissions to the original appeal to comment whether anything has changed in the meantime, and the Community Council has provided a response .

Particularly in light of the flash floods experienced on 31 July 2019, the concerns about flooding that were raised in our original objection appear even more pertinent.

More background is on our website here.

16 weeks road closure between Mugdock and Milngavie

Mugdock Road between Mugdock and Milngavie is closed for 16 weeks from 17 June.  This is to allow a new pipeline to link Burncrooks reservoir to the Milngavie water treatment works, in advance of closing the Burncrooks treatment works.  Initially the road closure is to avoid the public coming into contact with the heavy plant being assembled to complete the project, but in time a whole section of the road is being dug up to lay the pipes.  Drumclog car park is closed and walkers and cyclists are being told to avoid the route as well.

See attached map for the pipeline route.  For further information go to the Scottish Water website here.  Scottish Water contact names are available on the updates under “Burncrooks – Scottish Water”.

The contact for the sub-contractor construction team is:

Joanne Craig, Customer Manager 

Caledonia Water Alliance

Phone: 0141 212 5942

Mobile: 07921 308 483

E-Mail :