[This is re-posting an older post – it’s only taken 2 years for the works to start…]
See also: Speed Survey Results
As announced in the August 2018 issue of the Blane Valley Bulletin, Strathblane Community Council used a “participation request” under the Community Empowerment Act to work with Stirling Council to use a modest allocation of funds to improve road, street lighting and footway maintenance, with a focus on road safety. A short life working group was formed which has met to develop an action plan. Limited funds are available, but two particular measures are now proposed to improve safety of pedestrians and vehicle users at two of the long-standing danger spots identified by the community over several years. As the budget for these measures is in the current financial year, the measures were presented at the January meeting of the Community Council and approved in principle. They will be made with bolted-in components, so that they can be reversed, if problems arise, or if grander schemes are enabled in future! If you have any comments you can let us know what you think using the contact form or email contact@strathblanecc.org.uk
1: A81 Outside Village Club: single file traffic with pedestrian island

This proposal provides single file traffic on the straight hill outside the Village Club, with priority to traffic heading north. Traffic heading downhill gives way. A traffic island with pedestrian space is provided by the steps to the Village Club. Hatched areas provide space also for vehicles exiting Wester Leddriegreen Road.
Safety is improved for users of the Village Club, Bowling Club, Tennis Club, and of the footpaths leading to the Kirkhouse Estate. Visibility for all users is improved, where the crossing and vehicle exits are currently felt to be very dangerous.
As the budget for these measures is in the current financial year, the measures were presented at the January meeting of the Community Council and approved in principle. The traffic island is a bolt-down structure, meaning that it can be removed, in case the measure is judged unsuccessful, and/or something grander is proposed.
If you have any comments you can let us know what you think using the contact form or email contact@strathblanecc.org.uk
2: Traffic Island on A891 Campsie Road outside Strathblane Kirk

This proposal provides a central traffic island on the straight hill between the Strathblane Kirk and the Manse.
This is another area where speeding is rife and the crossing for children and adults is currently felt to be very dangerous.
As the budget for these measures is in the current financial year, the measures were presented at the January meeting of the Community Council and approved in principle. The traffic island is a bolt-down structure, meaning that it can be removed, in case the measure is judged unsuccessful, and/or something grander is proposed.
If you have any comments you can let us know what you think using the contact form or email contact@strathblanecc.org.uk