
Strathblane Community Council

Agenda for 4 February meeting of Strathblane Community Council


Meeting on Monday 4th Febuary 2019  7.30pm in the Village Club

1.     Welcome from the Chair

2.     Apologies and declarations of interest

3.     Police Report

4.     Minutes of January meeting and matters arising

5.      Continuation of the BVB

6.      Feedback from Participation Meeting on Road Safety

7.      Feedback from The Big Conversation

8.     Elected Member’s Report

9.     Planning and Licensing

        19/00003/FUL  –  Erection of 2 additional 8 metre poles  with LED light  fittings at Tennis Courts 

         19/00009/FUL  –  erection of dwelling house with attached garage – garden of Dumbrock House, Old Mugdock Road

10.     Community Comments

11.     Finance

12.   AOB

13. Date of next meeting Monday March 4th 2019 in the Village Club

Copy date for the BVB – Tuesday February 12th 2019

Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

A81 road heading south in Strathblane

New Road Safety measures for A81 (by the Village Club) and Campsie Road (by the Kirk)

** Update Speed Survey Results **

As announced in the August 2018 issue of the Blane Valley Bulletin, Strathblane Community Council used a “participation request” under the Community Empowerment Act to work with Stirling Council to use a modest allocation of funds to improve road, street lighting and footway maintenance, with a focus on road safety. A short life working group was formed which has met to develop an action plan.

Limited funds are available, but two particular measures are now proposed to improve safety of pedestrians and vehicle users at two of the long-standing danger spots identified by the community over several years. As the budget for these measures is in the current financial year, the measures were presented at the January meeting of the Community Council and approved in principle. They will be made with bolted-in components, so that they can be reversed, if problems arise, or if grander schemes are enabled in future!

If you have any comments you can let us know what you think using the contact form or email

1: A81 Outside Village Club: single file traffic with pedestrian island

A81 Pedestrian Island Proposal Jan 2019
A81 Pedestrian Island Proposal Jan 2019 – VIEW LARGER

This proposal provides single file traffic on the straight hill outside the Village Club, with priority to traffic heading north. Traffic heading downhill gives way. A traffic island with pedestrian space is provided by the steps to the Village Club. Hatched areas provide space also for vehicles exiting Wester Leddriegreen Road.

Safety is improved for users of the Village Club, Bowling Club, Tennis Club, and of the footpaths leading to the Kirkhouse Estate. Visibility for all users is improved, where the crossing and vehicle exits are currently felt to be very dangerous.

As the budget for these measures is in the current financial year, the measures were presented at the January meeting of the Community Council and approved in principle. The traffic island is a bolt-down structure, meaning that it can be removed, in case the measure is judged unsuccessful, and/or something grander is proposed.

If you have any comments you can let us know what you think using the contact form or email

2: Traffic Island on A891 Campsie Road outside Strathblane Kirk

A891 Traffic Island Proposal Jan 2019
A891 Traffic Island Proposal Jan 2019 – VIEW LARGER

This proposal provides a central traffic island on the straight hill between the Strathblane Kirk and the Manse.

This is another area where speeding is rife and the crossing for children and adults is currently felt to be very dangerous.

As the budget for these measures is in the current financial year, the measures were presented at the January meeting of the Community Council and approved in principle. The traffic island is a bolt-down structure, meaning that it can be removed, in case the measure is judged unsuccessful, and/or something grander is proposed.

If you have any comments you can let us know what you think using the contact form or email

Strathblane Community Council next meeting will be on 7 Jan 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Village Club

The next meeting of Strathblane Community Council will be on 7 January. The agenda is


1. Welcome from the Chair
2. Apologies and declarations of interest
3. Police Report
4. Minutes of December meeting and matters arising (Draft minutes from the December meeting are online here)

5. Feedback from Participation Meeting on Road Safety
6. Elected Member’s Report
7. Planning and Licensing
8. Community Comments
9. AOB


Next and final meeting of this CC


Meeting on Monday 1st October 7.30pm in the Village Club

  1. Welcome from the Chair
  2. Police Report
  3. Minutes of September meeting and matters arising.
  4. Elected Member’s Report
  5. Planning and Licensing
  6. Aide Memoir
  7. Community Comments
  8. Thank you to the current CC
  9. Date of next meeting to be advised


Blane Valley Bulletin Copy Date  Monday 15th October 2018

Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

Neigbourhoods of Care meeting on Mon 13th August – report from Marian Lever

  1. Neighbourhoods Model of Care: Update.  The team now meets monthly in Balfron but there are still discussions about the most appropriate base.  The idea is for the team to be self-managing but so far, the Joint Board has been unable to recruit a Team Coach to help them.  Ian Denvir has been appointed as the resource worker and will take up the post soon.
  2. Community Pharmacy Initiative: All pharmacies are being encouraged to become dementia friendly. The Health Board has provided a checklist for them to audit the premises.  They also have to have a consulting space in which to offer advice and treatments for a variety of minor illnesses and injuries.  Pharmacies also offer a stop smoking service for up to 12 weeks to all aged 12 years and over.  They also can prescribe the morning after pill to those aged 13 years if the pharmacist has completed the child protection training.  There is a very helpful leaflet describing the services at the pharmacy,  our local surgery and in the
  3. Anticipatory Care Planning.: We were shown the Care Plan booklet and all are encouraged to complete one in discussion with family, friends and GPs.  The Staff can arrange to visit to help with this and to discuss what support is needed. They can be reached on the ALFY number and this is now a single point of contact for ALFY and the District Nurses. The staff are able to visit Primary Schools to talk to P5, P6 and P7 pupils, often a good way to get messages out to the community.
  4. Dementia Friendly Communities: There is now a Stirling Dementia Plan which we will hear more about at the next meeting.

Next Meeting



Meeting on Monday 3rd  September  7.30pm in the Village Club


  1. Welcome from the Chair
  2. Police Report
  3. Minutes of June meeting and matters arising, including minutes of  AGM, June 2018
  4. Roads participation request
  5. Succession planning
  6. Planning and Licensing
  7. Feedback from Neighbourhoods of Care meeting – August 13th 2018
  8. Community Comments
  9. AOB
  10. Date of next meeting Monday October 1st 2018 in the Village Club


Blane Valley Bulletin Copy Date  Monday 17th September 2018

Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

New initiative Blane Valley Bikes

The community council is excited to learn about Blane Valley Bikes:  a Cycling Advocacy Social Enterprise start up based in Strathblane & Blanefield, Stirling, United Kingdom aimed at improving inclusion and participation in safer cycling for children and adults of all ages who live in, visit and explore the Strathblane Community.
Want to know more? Drop in and say hi at one of our free events
* Watch the Glasgow2018 European Championships live on TV
* Coffee & cake
* Safe bike parking indoors
* Zwift virtual indoor cycling demo
* Watch bike racing on TV
* Bike repair stands, tools & accessories
* Donated kids & adults bikes
* Bike trailers, cargo bikes & kids bike seats
* Guest appearance by downhill Strava KOM for “Stair Crazy” (aka Danny’s Brae)!

GLASGOW CYCLE TIME TRIAL 2018 – Transport disruption for 8 August


Transport Disruption information from Stirling Council

On Wednesday 8 August, there are two cycle time trials – the women’s race in the morning and the men’s race in the afternoon. The women’s route doesn’t enter the Stirling Council area but the men’s race, in the afternoon, carries on up the A81 and into the Stirling Council area as far as Strathblane and then turns right onto the A891 in the direction of Lennoxtown.
Closure of the A81 north of Milngavie will start around 09:00 and will be lifted from around 17:00 onwards.
The timing of the closure has huge implications for public transport. During the closure, buses operating between Balfron and Milngavie will have to divert via the B834, A809, B8050 and B8030, missing out the south end of Killearn and the villages of Blanefield and Strathblane. To maintain a service to these communities, Stirling Council is providing a shuttle service conveying passengers between Strathblane, Blanefield and Killearn, to connect there with the diverted service buses.
Buses will terminate at Milngavie Station. Passengers to and from Glasgow will have to change to and from trains at Milngavie Station, as roads between there and Glasgow are closed for a much longer period.
Our website has a poster explaining the shuttle service and a copy of the official route map.
If you need any information direct from the event organisers (Glasgow City Council), the contact details are: e-mail , tel. 0141-287 1118.
Information from David W. Brown,
Project Officer (Public Transport)
Sustainable Development & Public Transport
Infrastructure, Stirling Council
T: 01786 237505

AGM 2018 meeting Monday 11th June


AGM on Monday 11th June at 7.30 pm in the Village Club


  1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies
  2. Minutes of last AGM 12th June 2017


  1. Reports from Office Bearers
  2. a) Chairperson Margaret Vass
  3. b) Secretary Grace Edmonds
  4. c) Treasurer Sue Rand, approval of accounts


  1. Election of Office Bearers
  2. a) Chairperson
  3. b) Vice chairperson
  4. c) Secretary


e)Planning and licensing correspondent


  1. Allocation of other responsibilities
  2. a) Roads
  3. b) Environment
  4. c) Health

d)Editor BVB

  1. e) Broadband


  1. Planning group membership


  1. SCC representatives on other groups within the village
  2. a) SCDT
  3. b) Village Club
  4. c) Mugdock management Committee


  1. Cheque signatories


  1. Meeting Schedule 2018/19


  1. Date of next meeting to be decided, June 2019



Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

Next meeting


Meeting on Monday 14th May at 7.30 pm in the Village Club

  1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies
  2. Declarations of interest


  1. Role of Deputy Lord Lieutenant –  Colin O’Brien


  1. Police Report


  1. Minutes of April Meeting and Matters Arising


  1. Consultation on the Review of Community Councils


  1. Resilience Plan


  1. Feedback from Snow Emergency


  1. Feedback from Neighbourhoods of Care


  1. Road Safety


  1. Planning and Licensing


  1. Elected Member’s report


  1. Community Comments


14     Finance


  1. Correspondence


  1. AOB


Date of next meeting Monday June 11th 2018 in the Village Club, following the AGM


Blane Valley Bulletin Copy Date



Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.