- Neighbourhoods Model of Care: Update. The team now meets monthly in Balfron but there are still discussions about the most appropriate base. The idea is for the team to be self-managing but so far, the Joint Board has been unable to recruit a Team Coach to help them. Ian Denvir has been appointed as the resource worker and will take up the post soon.
- Community Pharmacy Initiative: All pharmacies are being encouraged to become dementia friendly. The Health Board has provided a checklist for them to audit the premises. They also have to have a consulting space in which to offer advice and treatments for a variety of minor illnesses and injuries. Pharmacies also offer a stop smoking service for up to 12 weeks to all aged 12 years and over. They also can prescribe the morning after pill to those aged 13 years if the pharmacist has completed the child protection training. There is a very helpful leaflet describing the services at the pharmacy, our local surgery and in the
- Anticipatory Care Planning.: We were shown the Care Plan booklet and all are encouraged to complete one in discussion with family, friends and GPs. The Staff can arrange to visit to help with this and to discuss what support is needed. They can be reached on the ALFY number and this is now a single point of contact for ALFY and the District Nurses. The staff are able to visit Primary Schools to talk to P5, P6 and P7 pupils, often a good way to get messages out to the community.
- Dementia Friendly Communities: There is now a Stirling Dementia Plan which we will hear more about at the next meeting.