Author Archives: JJG

A new Blane Valley Bulletin issue – send us your news items by 21 September 2020

If you have been missing the monthly Blane Valley Bulletin, thanks for your understanding. We are pleased to announce that an October issue is planned. Please send in any news…

Stirling's Climate Conversation

Stirling Climate Survey closing on Sunday, 30 August

The clock is ticking for Stirling’s young people to have their say in the climate emergency, with less than two weeks left to complete the Council’s Climate Survey. The local authority…

A81 road heading south in Strathblane

New Road Safety measures for A81 (by the Village Club) and Campsie Road (by the Kirk)

[This is re-posting an older post – it’s only taken 2 years for the works to start…]  See also: Speed Survey Results  As announced in the August 2018 issue of…

Blane Valley Inn Jan 2020

Blane Valley Inn change of use halted by Planning decision

Following our post of 9 May 2020 highlighting the proposed change of use of the Blane Valley Inn to a house, several villagers wrote to Stirling objecting against the loss…

We'll meet by Zoom

Community Council meeting via ZOOM – Monday 8th June 2020

While the Coronavirus emergency prevents us meeting in person, we have decided to resume meetings, via Zoom. This will not be a full public meeting, so please let us know…

Blane Valley Inn Jan 2020

Blane Valley Inn – From Pub to private house?

Residents will be aware that the Blane Valley Inn sadly closed its doors in February. New owners have filed a planning application to convert the pub into a private house….

Station Road closure 10-12 May 2020

Station Road, Blanefield will close from its junction with the A81 (Glasgow Road, Blanefield) to its junction with the A809 from 0800 hours on SUNDAY 10-5-20 until 1800 hours on…

Community Council meetings suspended due to Coronavirus.

Community council meetings across Stirling District are cancelled until further notice.

However, your community councillors are of course in touch with one another and can be reached by email to

Community Council Meeting 2 September 2019

The next meeting of Strathblane Community Council will be on Monday 2nd September 2019 at 7.30pm in the Village Club. AGENDA 1.     Welcome from the Chair and declarations of interest…

Gladman planning application for Campsie Road: Second appeal under way.

The new appeal is under way with reference PPA-390-2060-1. The new Reporter invited those who had made submissions to the original appeal to comment whether anything has changed in the…