
Gladman WIN second bite at appeal…

What feels like ages ago, Gladman Developments applied to build houses in the field on Campsie Road, and to bump the proposed cemetery extension further away from the village. The planning application was rejected by Stirling; an appeal to the Scottish Ministers was rejected by their Reporter, BUT Gladman made an appeal to the Court of Session, whose decision was issued on 14 June 2019. 

The Court of Session has quashed the appeal decision, raising the prospect that the development may go ahead. The court’s decision was based on a very narrow technicality about how housing land supply should be calculated, but their lordships decided this renders the whole of the Reporter’s decision invalid. 

The good news is that this court decision is just a limited “judicial review” criticising the appeal decision process. It does not mean Gladman automatically get their planning permission, or that the Reporter got the wrong result.

A copy of the Court of Session decision is here in which we have highlighted some relevant parts. According to the court, the main issue the Reporter had to decide was whether Stirling used the correct method to calculate their housing land supply. The court ruled that the Reporter had not examined the question properly. Furthermore they say that, because a different land supply calculation could tip the balance of all considerations, they must quash the whole decision.

What it does mean is that the appeal must be decided again by a Reporter at the DPEA and Scottish Ministers, taking more care to consider all relevant issues. The new Reporter will decide whether to call for new evidence, and the Community Council will input if there is an opportunity.

For all the reasons that were endorsed by the first Reporter, we would hope that the appeal will be rejected again.

Housing that meets the needs of our community is one thing, but proposals like this one put the interests of the developers and landowners above all else.

VOTING is OPEN until Sunday 23rd June. Your Stirling: You Decide – participate in council budgeting!

Your Stirling: You Decide gives local people a direct say in how a portion of their budget is spent. For the Forth and Endrick ward, 36 voting proposals have been made out of the ideas submitted by the public. Residents now have the chance to vote.


You MUST vote for EXACTLY 5 PROPOSALS or your vote won’t be counted. (We don’t make the rules…).

As it happens, there are exactly 5 proposals directly affecting Strathblane/Blanefield, which we have highlighted in the list here. Even if you don’t want to vote for all of those, there are worthy proposals for the other villages in the area.

There is a computer and help at the library for anyone who does not use the internet themselves. Share the link and get your friends and neighbours joining in.

Gladman WIN at Court of Session

What feels like ages ago, Gladman Developments applied to build houses in the field on Campsie Road, and to bump the proposed cemetery extension further away from the village. The planning application was rejected; an appeal to the Scottish Ministers was rejected, BUT Gladman made an appeal to the Court of Session, whose decision was issued on 14 June 2019. 

The Court of Session has just quashed the appeal decision, raising the prospect that the development will go ahead. The court’s decision was based on a very narrow technicality about how housing land supply should be calculated, but their lordships decided this renders the whole of the DPEA decision invalid. 

A copy of the Court of Session decision is here in which we have highlighted some relevant parts. According to the court, the sole issue considered by the Reporter was whether Stirling used the correct method to calculate their housing land supply. They don’t even say whether Stirling did or didn’t use the correct method: they merely find that the Reporter did not examine the question properly. Furthermore they say that, regardless of other reasons why the Gladman proposal should be rejected, the only issue in the appeal was the land supply calculation, and they must quash the whole decision.

AGM and June Meeting

7.30pm on 10 June 2019, Village Club, Blanefield

Agenda for the AGM of Strathblane Community Council and the June ordinary meeting are online at

The agenda for the regular meeting, following the AGM, is

1.     Welcome from the Chair and declarations of interest

2.     Police report

3.     Minutes of April meeting and Matters Arising

4.      Invasive Species – Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust

5.     SCDT Issues

6.     Your Stirling, You Decide

7.     Elected Member’s Report

8.     Planning and Licensing

9.    Community Comments

10.     Finance

11.    Correspondence

12.   AOB

Repairs to Jenny’s Glen Bridge

Aaron Moison, Stirling Council’s Engineer (Bridge Officer) writes:

On Monday 27th May we will be installing temporary 3 way traffic lights at the junction of A81 Glasgow Road and B821 Station Road for repair works to Jenny’s Glen Bridge.

These works are expected to take 4 weeks and will involve us dismantling a large section of the downstream masonry to allow us to rebuild a historic bulge that has recently shown movement. The downstream footpath will also need to be excavated to prevent a collapse during our works.

I have attached a location plan for convenience. Signage to give advance notice to road users should be in place this evening.

Free courses and programmes for Support Staff, Families, carers and individuals

Justin Rusk is The Advisory Group’s (TAG) appointed Community Development worker for Stirling and Clackmannanshire. He has asked us to to circulate his message to care providers, Support Staff and local community groups within the area.

TAG has developed a new programme which will enable people to explore Self Directed Support (SDS) and all of the choices and options this can afford them. Building upon previous success the programme’s aim is to highlight and provide a range of user led community activities. All courses and activities are free of charge to participants.

The programme consists of a series of free courses and programmes which encourages people to explore community assets and breaks down the jargon of SDS. Following the Outcomes for Living course our programme will deliver a series of fully interactive and fun workshops for Outcome Focussed Planning. This programme is beneficial for Support Staff, Families, carers and individuals and will ultimately enable people to identify, plan and work towards achieving their own personal outcome. In addition to the training courses we are running Meet and Greet sessions which are central for exploring shared interests within the communities.

It is Key that the local community groups are aware of our programme and given the opportunity to become involved in all that we are doing are TAG.

Please take note and pass this message on to anyone who it may be of interest to. Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly with any questions or for further information please visit our website at:

Contact Justin Rusk:


Glasgow Uni nest box sites

Nesting Box research in Strathblane

As mentioned in the Blane Valley Bulletin, Glasgow University are studying the interaction between cavity nesting songbirds (blue tits and great tits), caterpillar preys and plants on which the caterpillars feed, and how this can be disrupted in urban areas.

The lack of native trees forces birds to seek less ideal food sources. Even the food we put out in our gardens can be harmful if we overdo it! Best for the birds is if we:

  • stop putting food out during the nesting season from April to September, and
  • keep fat balls for winter use only.

In addition to nest boxes in the Mugdock area to the south side of the valley, the researchers have put up some nesting boxes in and around the village, shown in the photo below. Public ground is preferred so that the researchers can visit regularly to observe feeding behaviours.

Glasgow Uni nesting box sites – you may see researchers keeping an eye on these!

Any questions about the project can best be answered by contacting

Needless to say there is lots more advice on how to support our native birds from organisations like the RSPB

Strathblane Community Council next meeting 1st April 2019

** UPDATE – ADDING ITEM 5 CO-OPTION OF NEW MEMBERS ** The online version of the agenda was previously missing item 5 – we are delighted to have at least one volunteer to join the Community Council – there’s room for more so do get in touch!!

Meeting on Monday 1st April 7.30pm in the Village Club

  • 1.     Welcome from the Chair
  • 2.     Apologies and declarations of interest
  • 3.     Police Report
  • 4.     Minutes of March meeting and matters arising
  • 5.     Co-options to the Community Council
  • 6.     Participatory Budgeting
  • 7.      Feedback from Rural South West Meeting
  • 8.      Local Health Initiative
  • 9.      Glasgow University Bio- diversity initiative
  • 10.       Elected Member’s Report
  • 11.      Planning and Licensing
  • 12.     Feedback from Mugdock Country Park Meeting
  • 13.    Community Comments
  • 14.    Finance
  • 15.   AOB
  • 16. Date of next meeting Monday 13th May 2019 in the Village Club

Copy date for next Blane Valley Bulletin 12th April 2019

Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

  • 5.     Participatory Budgeting
  • 6.      Feedback from Rural South West Meeting
  • 7.      Local Health Initiative
  • 8.      Glasgow University Bio- diversity initiative
  • 9.       Elected Member’s Report
  • 10.      Planning and Licensing
  • 11.     Feedback from Mugdock Country Park Meeting
  • 12.    Community Comments
  • 13.    Finance
  • 14.   AOB
  • 15. Date of next meeting Monday April 1st 2019 in the Village Club

Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

Your Stirling: You Decide – participate in council budgeting!

Your Stirling: You Decide is Stirling’s version of participatory budgeting, an initiative that gives local people a direct say in how a portion of their budget is spent.

Between March 2019 and June 2019, citizens across Stirling’s seven electoral wards will have the chance to influence how to spend £700,000 of public money (£100,000 in each of the seven ward areas). This year the money can be used for infrastructure and the environment. This could include for example – roads, pavements, parks, playgrounds or public spaces.

Anyone who lives or works in the area, including local groups can give Stirling an idea of what the money should be spent on. Ideas will be developed before being voted on by people living in the ward. Those receiving the most votes will be taken forward by services. The Project Team, who will turn the ideas into voting proposals, will include Budget Delegates. Budget Delegates are members of the public, of high school age and above, who live in the area and would like to represent the public on the Project Team. For more information and to express your interest see the Budget Delegate Pack on our website.

More information on the process, how to submit an idea and how to be involved is available here:

Share the link and the poster to get your friends and neighbours joining in.

Strathblane Community Council

Agenda for Strathblane Community Council meeting 4 March 2019

Meeting on Monday 4th  March  7.30pm in the Village Club

1.     Welcome from the Chair

2.     Apologies and declarations of interest

3.     Police Report

4.     Minutes of February meeting and matters arising

5.      Feedback from Participation Meeting on Road Safety

6.      Local Health Initiative

7.      Feedback from Neighbourhoods of Care meeting

8.      Resilience Plan

9.     Elected Member’s Report

10.   Planning and Licensing

11.    Community Comments

12.    Finance

13.   AOB

14. Date of next meeting Monday April 1st 2019 in the Village Club

Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.