On 31 May 2017, Gladman Developments filed the expected planning application for the site on Campsie Road. A programme of urgent consultation was agreed at the Strathblane Community Council meeting on 12 June 2017.
- A supplement with information and questionnaire is being issued with the June 2017 edition of the Blane Valley Bulletin.
- We are also arranging drop-in sessions at the Village Club (28 June and 24 July; 2.30-8.30pm) and
- Special community council meeting on 31 July 2017 (7.30pm, Village Club).
Please complete the online survey/questionnaire.
If you can’t fill it in online, you can drop a paper answer in the box at Strathblane Library.
Please encourage family and neighbours to take part in this important consultation. The questionnaire also seeks input on the types of new housing that may actually be needed in the local area.
Everyone’s priorities and views are different, so it is vital that as many residents as possible make their own submissions directly to Stirling Council, as well as responding to this survey. The community council does not decide the planning application.
More information and background, around this site, and Local Development Plan is on our dedicated web page here.