June CC meeting and AGM Monday 12th June at 7.30pm in the Primary School



IN THE SCHOOL following the AGM

1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies

2. Declaration of interests

3. Police Report

4. Stirling Council Economic Development: Steven MacDonald

5. Minutes of May’s meeting and matters arising

6. Planning and Licensing

7. 20mph consultation

8. Feedback:
community asset study
SW Area Forum

9. Community comments

10. Finance

11. Correspondence

12. Date of next meeting Monday 4th September 2017 in the school

Blane Valley Bulletin Copy Date Monday 19th June 2017

Contact us at contact@strathblanecc.org.uk. Also on our website
www.strathblanecc.org.uk Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.