Category Archives: Roads

VOTING is OPEN until Sunday 23rd June. Your Stirling: You Decide – participate in council budgeting!

For the Forth and Endrick ward, 36 voting proposals have been made out of the ideas submitted by the public. Residents now have the chance to vote.

A81 road heading south in Strathblane

New Road Safety measures for A81 (by the Village Club) and Campsie Road (by the Kirk)

** Update Speed Survey Results ** As announced in the August 2018 issue of the Blane Valley Bulletin, Strathblane Community Council used a “participation request” under the Community Empowerment Act…

New initiative Blane Valley Bikes

The community council is excited to learn about Blane Valley Bikes:  a Cycling Advocacy Social Enterprise start up based in Strathblane & Blanefield, Stirling, United Kingdom aimed at improving inclusion…

GLASGOW CYCLE TIME TRIAL 2018 – Transport disruption for 8 August

GLASGOW CYCLE TIME TRIAL 2018. Transport Disruption information from Stirling Council On Wednesday 8 August, there are two cycle time trials – the women’s race in the morning and the…

A81 closure at Balfron Station aqueduct

We have received an update from Scottish Water on their plans for the repair work to the bridge at Balfron Station: Our contractors, George Leslie Ltd, will be starting work…


MEETING ON Monday 9th January 2017 IN THE SCHOOL AT 7.30PM Welcome from the Chair and any apologies Declaration of interests Police Report Minutes of December’s meeting and matters arising…