
Next meeting 9th April 2018



Meeting on Monday 9th April at 7.30 pm in the Village Club


  1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies
  2. Declarations of interest


  1. Police report


  1. Minutes of March Meeting and Matters Arising


  1. Alan Harris: Co-op.


  1. Feedback from Mugdock Management Committee Meeting


  1. Feedback from Your Place, Your Priorities event


  1. Road Safety Campaign


  1. Consultation on the review of Community Councils


  1. Planning and Licensing


  1. Elected Member’s report


  1. Community Comments


13     Finance


  1. Correspondence


  1. AOB


  1. Date of next meeting Monday May 14th 2018 in the Village Club


Blane Valley Bulletin Copy Date TBA


Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

Next Meeting



Meeting on Monday 5th March at 7.30 pm in the Village Club

  1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies
  2. Declarations of interest


  1. Police report


  1. Minutes of February Meeting and Matters Arising


  1. Christmas decorations


  1. Feedback from SW Forum


  1. Road Safety Campaign


  1. Road Maintenance


  1. Planning and Licensing


  1. Elected Member’s report


  1. Community Comments


12    Finance


13 Correspondence


14. AOB


15. Date of next meeting Monday April 9th 2018 in the Village Club


Blane Valley Bulletin Copy Date: TBA

Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley          Bulletin.

Next meeting Monday 5th February 2018




Meeting on Monday 5th February at 7.30 pm in the Village Club


  1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies
  2. Declarations of interest


  1. Road Safety in the village


  1. Police report


  1. Minutes of January Meeting and Matters Arising


  1. Glasgow Airport flight path consultation


  1. Feedback from Priority Based Budgeting Meeting


  1. Planning and Licensing


  1. Elected member’s report


  1. Community Comments


  1. Finance


  1. Correspondence


  1. AOB


  1. Date of next meeting Monday March 5th 2018 in the Village Club


Blane Valley Bulletin Copy Date



Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

Next meeting Monday 8th January 2018



Meeting on Monday 8th January at 7.30 pm in the Village Club


  1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies
  2. Declarations of interest


  1. Police report


  1. Minutes of the December meeting and Matters Arising


  1. Taking the cemetery forward


  1. Feedback from Mugdock Management Meeting


  1. Planning and Licensing


  1. Elected member’s report


  1. Community Comments


  1. Finance


  1. Correspondence


  1. AOB




  1. Date of next meeting Monday February 5th 2018 in the Village Club


Blane Valley Bulletin Copy Date



Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

Next meeting Mon 4th December



Meeting on Monday 4th December at 7.30 pm in the Village Club


  1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies
  2. Declarations of interest


  1. Police report


  1. Electricity Supply in the area. Tom Melrose SP Energy Networks


  1. Minutes of November meeting and matters arising.


  1. Report on CC Governance Conference on 25th November 2017


  1. Report on SWAF meeting on 20th November 2017


  1. Update on the Community Emergency Plan


  1. Report on Neighbourhoods of Care meeting on November 13th 2017


  1. Planning and Licensing


  1. Community Comments


  1. Finance


  1. Correspondence


  1. AOB


  1. Date of next meeting Monday January 8th 2018 in the Village Club




Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

Review of Community Councils – have your say

Stirling Council is reviewing the way community councils operate. Please get involved and provide input. It is an important opportunity for the community to renew and revise how community councils work. If Strathblane community council is to continue after the next elections in Sept 2018, several new members will need to stand to replace retiring members. This consultation is a key opportunity to think about the whole scheme of community councils, and influence the scheme in which the newly elected CC members will work.

The areas which are being considered as part of the first consultation phase would cover:-

  • Community Council boundaries;
  • representation, including seeking ways to involve a wider age demographic;
  • improving communication between Community Councils and other community groups and organisations;
  • strengthening the Code of Conduct;
  • how any complaints about Community Councils are best addressed; and
  • resources and support to Community Councils.

Stirling Council have issued a survey as the first part of this review, and will end on the 29th November 2017. Views will be fed into a report to identify themes and ideas for further investigation and exploration in the second phase of the review.


If you need this survey as a paper copy or in any other format, please contact us on 01786 233076 or email

You can also write to them at-
Community Councils Review,
Democratic Services, Stirling Council, Room 53, Old Viewforth, Stirling, FK8 2ET

or email in your comments.

Next meeting Monday 6th November


MEETING ON MONDAY 6th November 2017


  1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies
  2. Declaration of interests


  1. Minutes of October’s meeting and matters arising


  1. Dates of future CC meetings


  1. Police Report


  1. Community Asset Study


  1. Your Place Your Priorities


  1. Planning and Licensing
  2. a) update on Campsie Rd 70 house application
  3. b) other applications


  1. Roads matters


  1. Elected member’s report


  1. Community comments


  1. Finance


  1. 13. Correspondence


  1. Date of next meeting Monday 4th December 2017 in the Village Club


Blane Valley Bulletin Copy Date  Monday 13th November 2017


Contact us at Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

Stirling Broadband Delivery Group – Update 23 October 2017

We have received this update from Douglas Baillie, Stirling Council’s Broadband Project Manager

Broadband Delivery Group.

The next meeting of the Broadband Delivery Group will be held on 29th November 2017 from 19:00 – 21:00 at Council Chambers, Old Viewforth, Stirling FK8 2ET. At the last meeting Councillor Jeremy McDonald was elected as the chair of the committee. The meeting is open to all members of the public and will be attended by some Councillors. I hope that many of you can attend to express your views and hopefully seek help to get better connectivity.

Digital Scotland.

Following a meeting with Digital Scotland, BT, elected members and local MSP, we have agreed that the Council can look at ways of contributing to the “Gainshare” programme. Details from Digital Scotland around the mapping and costing are fluid and I shall hope to give an update at the BDG.

At the next BDG I hope to have more information relating to a new voucher scheme being proposed to support and expedite the R100 programme. The next Digital Scotland meeting is on 26th October and I hope to understand the scope of this initiative. I shall keep you all informed.

Mast proposal for Ben Gullipen.

The feasibility study for the potential mast structure on Ben Gullipen has been completed. Whilst a mast in this location would be beneficial to approx. 1600 potential premises the most challenging issue was the costs associated with backhaul connection. The Council will review the recommendations from the report and in turn liaise with Digital Scotland on the Gainshare project to assess if a mast is the most cost effective solution to rural communities within range. This may come a huge disappointment to many of you as the mast proposal was a possible route to faster speeds and in some cases actual connectivity. I am still hopeful that some sort of solution can come of this and will keep you informed of developments either way.


  Fibre Coverage Fibre Coverage >24Mbps
Fibre Coverage: end of Q4 2016-17 ** 89.7% 87.1%
Indicative fibre coverage: End Q3 2017/18 *** 93.4% 89.5%


If you wish me to visit your Community, to give an overview of what’s happening regards connectivity in your area or want advice, please contact me. If you require details or local contacts please e mail me as I can advise you of Suppliers in your area, which may be able to help with connectivity.


Community Broadband Scotland.


Whilst the role and support of CBS is under review please be aware that the Council still wish to support community initiatives. Current CBS projects have been given until the 7th November 2017 to confirm if they wish to proceed with CBS or be included in R100. Please contact me if you wish to discuss any help I can give.


All previous updates can be found on the Stirling Council web site at the link below: Please confirm if you wish any information added that may be useful?     


If you have any friends that would be interested in this Update letter please advise me?

Douglas Baillie

Broadband Project Manager

Old Viewforth, 14-20 Pitt Terrace, Stirling FK8 2EZ


0771 003 6665

Road running through the main street in Strathblane

Next meeting Monday 2nd October 2017

MEETING ON MONDAY 2nd October 2017




  1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies
  2. Declaration of interests


  1. Police Report


  1. Minutes of September’s meeting and matters arising


  1. Community Resilience


  1. Community Asset Study


  1. Planning and Licensing


  1. Elected member’s report


  1. Feedback:

SW Area Forum

Local Outcome Improvement Plan


  1. Community comments


  1. Finance


  1. 12. Correspondence


  1. Date of next meeting Monday 6th November 2017 in the village club


Blane Valley Bulletin Copy Date  Monday 16th October 2017


Contact us at Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

Health and social care report September

Strathblane Community Council: 4 September 2017

Health and Social Care Report

Neighbourhoods of Care Meeting: 21 August 2017

  1. The Shared Lives initiative discussed at last CC meeting has been shelved temporarily.
  2. Business plan for project agreed by Integrated Joint Board and planning for project in progress. More info at next meeting.
  3. Area of project extended slightly beyond G63 as some GPs pointed out parts of their catchment were being omitted.
  4. Stirling Career’s Centre: approximately 17% of post 16 population and 10% of under 16s provide informal care.  The Carer’s Centre offers the following support in the rural area: emotional, financial support, Rural Carer’s group, specialist knowledge for advice and awareness raising.  The June meeting in Strathblane library, including some individual confidential advice sessions, was well attended.
  5. Carers (Scotland ) Act 2016 will establish that carers whose identified needs meet local eligibility criteria will have right to support through an Adult carer Support Plan. Those who do not meet the criteria will still have a right to other forms of support, information and advice.  The local authority will have a statutory duty to support carers and must maintain an information and advice service.  Currently a Carers Charter and the Carers Act Regulations are in draft form and under consultation.  Contact information: Draft regulations until 24 September 2017.  Draft Carer’s Charter -the-carers-act-2016 until 22 October 2017.
  6. Power of Attorney: for help consult Solicitors for Older People Scotland as doing it yourself if very difficult.
  7. Town Break: largely centred in Stirling has been working for 25 years to support carers of those with dementia offering friendship groups.  Now has a new group meeting monthly in Killearn.  Need to be invited and to have a diagnosis of dementia.  There is a notice about it in the doctors’ surgery.  The meeting pointed out the problem of the long wait (currently about 18 months) for an official diagnosis.  There is a Town Break website for more information.
  8. Maintaining balance and preventing falls for older people. A leaflet giviPhysical Activity:  important to maintain.  A leaflet outlining 6 simple exercises to help maintain balance is available.

 BT Phone boxes and local defibrillators

The Community Council now owns both the Edmonstone Hall box and the one near the Co-op.  There are plans in hand to ove the Edmonstone Hall defibrillator into one and a new, donated defibrillator into the other.  More info when available.

Strathblane Community Fund

We soon hope to purchase the Community Keyboard which will be held in the Village Club and to provide Dementia friendly signage to the Village Club.   After this expenditure the Church would like the CC to hold the remaining fund on behalf of the Community.