
Campsie Road houses – second appeal REJECTED by Scottish Ministers

The second appeal by Gladman to build 70 houses along Campsie Road has finally been decided. There has been a lot of highly technical dispute between Gladman and Stirling Council on the correct method of calculating housing supply. If there is a shortfall, then the balance tips in favour of developments, even ones that don’t comply with teh Local Development Plan. However, the Scottish Ministers have decided that, even one took the most extreme calculation possible, the balance would not tip far enough to allow this particular proposal.  The main objections that could not be overcome were

  • the impact on the setting of the village and the green belt landscape, and
  • the major expansion that would result and the dependence on car journeys out of the area that the development would entail.

More information is on our webpage here.  Gladman could still appeal to the Court of Session, we understand. However, it seems that they would have to overturn the Reporter’s opinion on quite a few issues.

Spring has arrived in Strathblanefield

Spring is on the way, and so a number of local groups have been busy out-and-about in the area:

On the 26th of February Fergus from Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust lead a group litter picking:

2 members of staff and 3 volunteers worked between Station Road and the sewage works. A total of 9 bags of littler were collected along the banks of the Blane Water. The majority was gathered on the right-hand bank – where the river flows through the floodplain after high water. Most of the rubbish was plastic bottles (as expected) and glass bottles of wine, vodka etc. A large quantity of the litter was old plastic bags hanging from tree branches and old tennis balls. 
2 individuals worked between the West Highland Way at Dumgoyach Bridge and Quinloch. They collected a whopping 20 bags of litter. A lot of this rubbish was similar to what we are finding further upstream, which will ultimately wash down into the Endrick Water and Loch Lomond. This highlights the upstream battle to combat litter entering our waterways and into the ocean. More bags of litter were collected from the roadsides by the Edmonstones, totalling 40 bags from this litter pick event alone.
There is still a large quantity of litter along the Blane Water around Dumgoyne. We hope to have a group helping us collect this litter within the next few weeks. However, if there are any interested volunteers in the local community please get in touch with myself at We would also welcome volunteers for tree planting!
You can also follow LLFR on Facebook:
On the weekend 5th and 6th of March The Strathblane Wildlife Sanctuary volunteers planted well over 1,200 native trees including hawthorn, scot’s pine, oak and alder.  The types of trees were specifically chosen for their suitability with the ground, and with the hope that they will provide shelter and sustenance for the wildlife in the area.  The volunteers were thrilled with the support from local families and businesses, and a lot of new faces came along to help. If anyone is interested in joining the mailing list or wants more information on the group you can contact them on, or on FB :
Finally, the Strathblane Community Volunteers have been out litter picking and plan to do many more as, unfortunately, the area badly needs it.  On the 9th of March the group cleaned from Milndavie Road to the old Country Club entrance.  You can follow them on FB to be kept up-to-date with when the next litter-pick is planned:

Community Council March meeting MONDAY 7th, 7.30pm, Village Club

The March meeting of The Community Council will be in the Village Club, 7.30pm this Monday (7th March). Agenda now on our website. Everyone is welcome!…/02/March-2022-agenda-.pdf

Community Council Meeting 7 Feb 2022, 7.30pm.

Community Council Meeting 7 Feb 2022, 7.30pm.

The monthly meeting of the Community Council is taking place on Zoom again this month.

Agenda Items: Resilience Plan update, Parking Issues in and around the village, Planning updates

More details on our Meetings page.

Everyone is welcome to join. To receive the Zoom link, please message us via FB or email us on

The late Philip Graves

Philip Graves, RIP

With great sadness we learned of the death of our long-serving community council member, and former Chair, Philip Graves. Philip served the community enthusiastically and generously over many years in many ways. Philip contributed to the work of the community council and other projects even throughout his recent long illness.

Our deepest sympathies to Sue, Alastair and Catriona, and all who will miss Philip.

Strathblane Community Council


Strathblane Community Council Meeting via Zoom 10 Jan 2022


Meeting on Monday January 10th 2022 will take place from 7.30pm via Zoom
1. Welcome from the Chair and declarations of interest
2. Minutes of December meeting and matters arising
3. Police report
4. Roads issues
5. Elected Member’s Report
6. Planning and Licensing
7. Finance
8. Correspondence
10. Date of next meeting
Contact us at . Also on our website

Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

Staff shortages at FirstBus – check before travelling

Information from First Midland

First Bus have written to the Community Council about some ongoing service disruption that is presently affecting our bus network.

“We’re experiencing an acute driver shortage coupled with the ongoing requirement of a proportion of our existing driver pool having to self-isolate with very little advance warning. However, I would like to take this opportunity to assure all of the communities that we serve that we’re doing absolutely everything possible to deliver as much as we can in the face of very challenging circumstances.”

“Over the coming days, the attached notice will begin to appear at bus stops across the Stirling Council area. This notice is to make everyone aware that while we will continue with our efforts to deliver our scheduled timetables, there may well be some short notice disruption for the reasons outlined above.”

Due to driver shortages our timetables are subject to change

For the latest information Call 0345 646 0707. Our lines are open from 8am to 6pm Mon-Fri

Our website (, Twitter channel (@FirstScotland) and customer service team will be advising customers of any changes to services as soon as they’re confirmed.

“I hope that this information is helpful , and I thank you in advance for your continued patience while we continue to address this very challenging situation.”

We are currently recruiting trainee bus drivers

Please visit


Registration for Beaver, Cub & Scout Groups

Monday the 6th September : Drop in registration for local Beaver, Cub & Scout groups

7-8pm – outside the Strathblane Scout Hall – see flyer for more details

Strathblane Community Council : AGM & Meeting

The AGM for Strathblane Community Council takes place on Monday the 6th of September 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom.  The first monthly meeting of the new session will take place directly afterwards.

Please contact us if you wish an invite to the meeting :

The agendas can be found at :

along with the minutes from previous meetings.

Flooding Aug21

Stirling Council Consultation on Flood Risk Management

Stirling Council Consultation on Flood Risk Management

Stirling Council is encouraging residents to offer their views on actions that can be taken to tackle the risk of flooding in local areas.

Working in collaboration with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and other key partners, Stirling Council is the lead local authority for the Forth Local Plan District Consultation. There are 14 district consultations across Scotland being co-ordinated between SEPA and local authorities.

The second phase of the consultation offers information on the local flood risk management plan in addition to consultation questions. It also provides information on how and when flood risk actions from the plan will be delivered locally.

The consultation is open to residents, businesses and any other interested parties including other responsible authorities. It will close on 31 October 2021.

Convener of Stirling Council’s Environment and Housing Committee, Cllr Jim Thomson said: “The severe weather and flooding warnings across Scotland is a reminder that local flood risk management plans are required to alleviate flood risk.

“It’s in all of our interests for measures taken to mitigate flood risks that are resilient and appropriate to our local communities. I encourage all residents and businesses to take part in this consultation to shape how the flood risk management plan is implemented.”

Vice Convenor, Councillor Danny Gibson said: “As we find ourselves facing more frequent spells of extreme weather conditions due to climate change, our preparedness and response to local flood risks needs to reflect feedback from our communities.

“Localised flooding is something that should be kept to an absolute minimum and having a comprehensive flood risk management plan will go a long way to reaching practical solutions. Please take the time to take part in the consultation.”

Have your say on the Flood Risk Management Plan for the Forth here or by visiting the consultation hub for flood risk plans across the country.