
Agenda for February meeting

MEETING ON Monday 6th February 2017


1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies

2. Declaration of interests

3. Police Report

4. Minutes of January’s meeting and matters arising

5. Update on Gladman Developments proposal South of Campsie Road

6. Community Hub/s study

7. Elected Member Report

8. Planning and Licensing

9. Community Resilience

10. Strathendrick Home up date

10. Community comments

11. Finance

12. Correspondence

13. Date of next meeting Monday 6th March 2017 in the School

Blane Valley Bulletin Copy Date Monday 13th February 2017
Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.


MEETING ON Monday 9th January 2017


  1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies
  2. Declaration of interests
  1. Police Report
  1. Minutes of December’s meeting and matters arising
  1. Update on Gladman Developments proposal South of Campsie Road
  1. Refuse Collection
  1. Elected Member Report
  1. Planning and Licensing

        16/00734/FUL conversion of hotel to 4 residential units

        16/00798-801/FUL 4 houses SE of Aros House Moor Rd at 105m,90m,   60m and30m respectively

  1. Roads
  1. Community comments
  1. Correspondence   
  1. Date of next meeting Monday 6th February 2017 in the School

Blane Valley Bulletin Copy Date Monday 16th January 2017

Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.



Next Meeting

MEETING ON Monday 5th December 2016


  1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies
  2. Declaration of interests
  1. Minutes of November’s meeting and matters arising
  1. Consideration of Gladman Developments proposal for 70+ houses to the south of Campsie Road

    The following items will only be taken if time allows

  1. Elected Member Report
  1. Planning and Licensing ( if needed) 
  1. Community comments          
  1. Date of next meeting Monday 9th January 2017 in the School

    Blane Valley Bulletin Copy date Monday 16th January 2017

   Contact us at . Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the 

    notice  boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.

Village of Strathblane with the Campsie Fells in the background

Agenda for November Meeting


MEETING ON Monday 7th November 2016


  1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies
  2. Declaration of interests
  1. Police Report
  1. Minutes of October’s meeting and matters arising        october-2016-minutes-final-for-approval-3c-5
  1. Mugstock
  1. 50th Anniversary school projects
  1. Planning and Licensing
  2. a) Pre Application Notice Campsie Road
  3. b) 16/00650/FUL outbuilding conversion 55m south of Carbeth House
  1. After school buses from Balfron High
  1. Broadband
  1. Community comments    
  1. Christmas tree etc
  1. Elected member report
  1. Democratic deficit
  1. Finance       
  1. Correspondence
  1. Date of next meeting Monday 5th December 2016 in the School

Blane Valley Bulletin Copy date Monday 21st November 2016

Contact us at . Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.


Wheelie bins

New Wheelie Bins

Strathblane Community Council Wheelie Bins information

Strathblane Community Council has received  a letter from Stirling Council which outlines  details on the new wheelie bin roll out across the area. The letter is reproduced here to keep you posted.

Stirling Council Letter about the new wheelie bins

Dear Community Council

Stirling Council Waste Services – Improved Collection System

Stirling Council Waste Services are introducing your improved collection system over the coming weeks and months and I am writing to inform you that distribution of the new recycling containers for Plastics/Cans and Garden/Food waste will start on Monday 5th September 2016 and will be rolled out over a 6 to 8 week period. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide exact details of when containers will be delivered in each area as this is being coordinated by our distribution contractor however I can confirm that distribution will start in urban areas before moving on to rural. When the new containers arrive they will include a full-service guide, collection calendar and bin stickers. We would ask that residents read these carefully as they provide important information regarding the improved collection service. In addition, we will also be replacing the ‘my bins’ page on our website with a map containing details of the new collection dates. The map will be made live within the next few weeks.

For clarification, residents will no longer require brown boxes which are currently used for card or outdoor food caddies. These containers will be collected by the service when bin distribution is complete across the Stirling Council area. However, please note that collection of brown boxes and outdoor food caddies may be done at the point of bin delivery for properties with designated areas for bin storage to allow space for the new containers e.g. flatted properties.

As we progress the implementation of the improved collection model it is likely that there will be some disruption to collection services during this period and we are grateful for the public’s support and patience during this time. We are keen to ensure our customers are supported during this transition period and our Officers will be joining the distribution crews to ensure they are on hand at the point of bin delivery to answer any questions or concerns in relation to the improved collection system.

I would be grateful if you could share this information within your community and direct any enquiries to our contact centre on 01786 404040. Alternatively, further information can be found on our website at

Yours sincerely

Stirling Council

Waste Services