Village of Strathblane with the Campsie Fells in the background

Agenda for November Meeting


MEETING ON Monday 7th November 2016


  1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies
  2. Declaration of interests
  1. Police Report
  1. Minutes of October’s meeting and matters arising        october-2016-minutes-final-for-approval-3c-5
  1. Mugstock
  1. 50th Anniversary school projects
  1. Planning and Licensing
  2. a) Pre Application Notice Campsie Road
  3. b) 16/00650/FUL outbuilding conversion 55m south of Carbeth House
  1. After school buses from Balfron High
  1. Broadband
  1. Community comments    
  1. Christmas tree etc
  1. Elected member report
  1. Democratic deficit
  1. Finance       
  1. Correspondence
  1. Date of next meeting Monday 5th December 2016 in the School

Blane Valley Bulletin Copy date Monday 21st November 2016

Contact us at . Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin.