Local Development Plan Changes 2015-2016-2017-2018
The Local Development Plan (LDP) determines planning policy for the whole of the Stirling Council area, over a rolling 20-year period.
Update December 2018
In October 2018, Stirling Council adopted the Stirling Local Development Plan 2018.
Copies of the Plan and a list of modifications are available to view at the Council’s offices at Teith House, Kerse Road, Stirling, FK7 7QA, and at all Stirling Council public libraries. These documents can also be viewed below.
- Adopted Stirling Local Development Plan.
- Settlement Statements and Proposals Maps: Ardeonaig – Gargunnock.
- Settlement Statements and Proposals Maps: Keltie Bridge – Throsk (plus rural).
- Environmental Report.
In August 2018, before the plan was adopted, Scottish Ministers issued a direction which required the Council to amend policy 12.1 Wind Energy Developments. This change was made and is included within the adopted plan
Update November 2017
On 29 November 2017 the Reporters at the Scottish Government’s Planning and Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA) delivered their 476-page report on the Proposed Local Development Plan. All the documents relating to the examination are on the DPEA website here. A copy of the report with highlights on parts relevant to the local community is on our own website 2017 LDP Examination Report – extracts.
This examination report fully supports Stirling’s existing proposals, as far as land use in Strathblane and Blanefield is concerned. Importantly,
- The allocation of land on Campsie Road for a cemetery extension is confirmed.
- Gladman Developments’ proposal to use the site on Campsie Road for housing instead of a cemetery is firmly rejected. While Gladman could still appeal the refusal of their planning application, we can see that the reporters have (again) come down firmly in favour of the current plan, and against Gladman’s proposals. Therefore the prospects for Gladman succeeding in an appeal ought to be tiny.
- The allocation of land for housing below the Devil’s Elbow is supported.
- Additionally, proposals to release land for housing at Mugdock are firmly rejected.
[Background August 2016:
Stirling Council has recently proposed an update of the Local Development Plan (LDP). The latest draft of this has a consultation deadline 23 September 2016. More information about the LDP, including links to the consultation documents and response forms, can be found on Stirling Council’s website here.
The Community Council will be considering in particular the parts of the LDP proposal that affect our local area. This extract has the pages specifically related to the settlement area of Strathblane and Blanefield, as well as pages on the Killearn Hospital site. A main change is confirming the potential development of housing on the site on the A81 below the Devil’s Elbow. Also confirming that the field beyond the current Campsie road development (Cala/Rural Stirling Housing Association) is designated for a cemetery extension.
As background, the Community Council’s previous comments on the proposals can be found here SCC LDP MIR Response 20151009.
A summary of responses from all parties was published by Stirling and is copied here 2016-summary-of-mir-reps-2016 with highlight on the portions of local relevance.
We believe the Proposed LDP is to be approved at a Stirling Council meeting in December 2016. It then passes to the Scottish Government for “examination”. [See November 2017 Update, above.]
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