Strathblane Community Council FAQ’s

Q: How do I report potholes on the road?

A: If you have any concerns regarding potholes on the roads in the Strathblane Community Council area or elsewhere, then contact Stirling Council via this link and fill in the form.

Q: How do I check what events are planned in the village?

A: If you are planning a public event, it’s a good idea to check (i) the Calendar page on this website, (ii) the paper Diary at the Library, and (iii) Strathblanefield.org.uk community website, in case somebody is already planning an event on the same day. If you submit an event for the Calendar using the Contact form on this website, a copy of your message will be forwarded to Strathblane Library and to the community website Strathblanefield.org.uk.

Q: Should I join Strathblane Community Council?

A: Strathblane Community Council has to recruit new members to continue its work for the community. Several of the current members have served several terms and intend to stand down in 2017. Why not come along to one of our regular meetings, or speak to one of your local community council members.

Q: Can businesses advertise in the Blane Valley Bulletin?

A: No, there is not enough space.  But a business can sponsor an issue which  gives you a front page acknowledgement and the inclusion of a flyer (delivered to nearly 1000 households) for a charge of only £120. We will also include a flyer in any issue for £50.  Contact Alan Hutton at alanhutton@gmail.com or 01360 770537 or use the Contact Form on the right of this page.

Q How can I place  notices on the community notice boards

A Phone Dick Arnold on 770006 for instructions .   Email digital versions to cc@strathblanefield.org.uk. A4 size is the preferred maximum,

Q When are bins  emptied?

A  Dates and details for refuse collection can be viewed here.

Q How can I report dog fouling?

A Contact Stirling Council on 0845 277 700. Complaints may be made anonymously and the perpetrator can be named.

Q What are the library opening times?

  1. Mon 10 – 1.00 and 2.00-5.00; Tues 10.30 – 1.00 and 3.00 – 8.00; Wed – closed;

Thurs 10.30 – 1.00 and 3.00 – 5.00; Fri 10.00 – 1.00 and 2.00 – 5.00; Sat 10.00 -1.00.

Computer access, photocopying and community equipment resources can be obtained there.

See also Strathblane library web site here.

Q How can I access bus timetables?

A Buses in the Strathblane Community Council area are operated by First buses and  can be contacted here. Customer services telephone contact is  01324 602 200

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